This book, entitled ‘Treasures of Human Personhood’ is an abridged version of the Ph.D. thesis entitled “Developing a Supplementary Educational Programme: A Key to Enhancing the Human Personhood of the College Students”, of Fr. Dr. Patrick D’souza, a priest of the Diocese of Vasai, Maharashtra, India.
Dr. Patrick D’Souza is convinced that the enhancement of the Human Personhood of the college students is a deeply felt need since the college curriculum focuses mainly on particular fields of knowledge for various branches of study. The prevalent educational system may make the students experts in their own chosen field of knowledge but it may not equip them with the expertise they require to effectively deal with the issues
that fall outside the ambit of their training.
This book will play a very important role to understand National Education Policy – 2020 of Govt. of India, as many aspects of NEP-2020 are covered in this Book, which were implemented by Fr. Dr. Patrick D’Souza through the Personality Development Camps in college during the years from 1991 till 2013 when he was a lecturer and Vice Principal of St. Gonsalo Garcia college Vasai, Maharashtra.
Though the Supplementary Educational Programme was primarily
prepared to enhance the Human Personhood of the College Students the author visualizes that it will help everyone, including people of all walks of life and belonging to all age groups as well as to each and every community everywhere because enhancing the Human Personhood is not only a need but should be a goal of each and every individual.