By Dr. Vishakhadutt Patil
Fr. Dr. Patrick Merceline D’Souza, (born 17th March 1956) was
ordained as a Roman Catholic Priest on 12th November 1983 and has
been serving in the Diocese of Vasai, Maharashtra, India. Fr. Dr.
Patrick Merceline D’Souza stood first in his school, St. Thomas High
School, Deotalao, Vasai, in S.S.C(11th Std. Old Course) in 1972. He
completed his B.A.(Psychology) from St. Xaviers college, Mumbai in
1977 and M.A. (Philosophy) from Mumbai University in 1990 securing
first class in both. He also cleared NET exam in the first attempt and
SET exam in the second attempt (both in Philosophy) and
consequentially enrolled for the PhD Programme in the California
Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) at San Francisco, US, and studied
there for an entire semester but had to thereafter return to resume his
duties as lecturer at St. Gonsalo Garcia College, Vasai. He subsequently completed and
submitted his thesis entitled “Developing a Supplementary Educational Programme: A
Key to Enhancing the Human Personhood of the College Students” to Yashwantrao
Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nashik and was awarded PhD in
Communication-Philosophy on 3rd February 2014. He subsequently served
as the Vice -Principal of St. Gonsalo Garcia College, Vasai; and was a resource person
(Personality Development) for the Refresher Course for the professors conducted by
the U.M. University, Jalgaon and also the resource person for Personality Development
workshop conducted by Bahai Centre in Mumbai.
Fr. Dr. Patrick M. D’Souza is well-known as an effective writer. His books on
Personality Development, ‘The Hidden Treasures’ in English and
‘संपन्न जीवनाकडे’ (Sampanna Jeevanakade) in Marathi, are well known.
He has also contributed various articles in Marathi and English to various periodicals
and magazines. Fr. Dr. Patrick M D’Souza is a voracious reader and a respected
speaker and preacher. He is well known as a guide, mentor and an expert in Human
Personhood Enhancement. He has put in many years of hard work and patient study
while preparing for and conducting programmes on Value Education, Personality
Development, Personal and Social Awareness, Creativity and Leadership for the college
students, the youth from the various religious and non-religious institutions, the
seminarians preparing to become priests, the nuns, and various other groups of people
in Vasai, Mumbai and also in other parts of India which eventually evolved into “The
Supplementary Educational Programmme” (SEP) to enhance the Human Personhood
of the College Students and others. Many people, especially the youth come to him for
This book, ‘Treasures of Human Personhood’ is an abridged version of the Ph.D. thesis
of Fr. Dr. Patrick M. D’Souza. According to Archbishop Dr. Felix Machado, “This book
makes a significant and praiseworthy contribution to a vital topic, namely, sound health
of young students today.” In this book Fr. Dr. Patrick M. D’Souza has presented a
Supplementary Educational Programme (SEP) which he has designed and prepared.
This Programme will encourage and help the students to enhance their Human
Personhood enabling them to face the outside world and also their inner self.
The most significant contributions of Fr. Dr. Patrick M D’Souza to the field of Psychology
and other Behavioral Sciences, is the identification and development of the HUMAN
PERSONHOOD QUOTIENT (HPQ) along with the Human Personhood Quotient Scale
to measure the level of Human Personhood Enhancement of the people. The seventh
chapter of “Treasures of Human Personhood” is devoted to the HUMAN
PERSONHOOD QUOTIENT (HPQ) and its Scale. Another significant contribution of
which he has developed to help the distraught souls. Through this therapy, with God’s
grace, he has helped many young people to give up their resolve of ending their life and
has inspired them to begin a new life full of hope and a promise of a better future. One
of the chapters of his upcoming book which would be the second edition of his earlier
book entitled “The Hidden Treasures” will be devoted to “PATRICK’SINTUITIVE
Fr. Dr. Patrick M D’Souza has a website called https://worldofemotions.in From this
Website, anyone, after registering on the website, can FREELY download the book
“Treasures of Human Personhood” in the form of eBook and audiobook and also
eBooks of his other books also in English and Marathi and possibly translated in Hindi
later on. The registration on the website is also FREE. Fr. Dr. Patrick M D’Souza has
kept the registration on his website and downloading his eBook and audiobook free because he wants
the poorest of the poor students and others from all over to obtain his books freely and
benefit from them. Fr. Dr. Patrick M D’Souza has a You Tube Channel on which he
uploads Psycho -Spiritual, Social and Biblical videos. The name of his You Tube
Channel is (Fr. Dr. Patrick D’Souza). The WhatsApp Number of Fr. Dr. Patrick M
D’Souza is 7030447934 on which you can contact him for guidance and for insights and
suggestions for Human Personhood Enhancement.